The leaves are falling and October is drawing nigh.
The heart beats on waiting for winter to arrive like a snake
in the grass. The pull of depression cuts like a knife yet
the brain rebels against the onslaught. What difference does
it all make anyway? We must enjoy the time we have for it
is fleeting. People grow crazy under the pressure of bad
economic times and the overabundance of information.
Beware of those that prey upon fear with whispered words of prayer.
Love is the cure. Unconditional and forgiving. And yes, the
belief that with time all things improve. Without belief,
this life is but an empty vessel. So fill the cup with smoke
and mirrors if you have too. Fill it with dreams. Fill it with
cliches. Fill it with the past. Fill it with the present gift.
Fill it with the future. Just don't pour it full of regret and
the sting of "what might have been". We are all on this boat
adrift in a mysterious and vast dark sea. We all want to walk
in the sun.
To walk the razor's edge is quite a thing to do. I am not an
acrobat. I am just like everybody else. Search for the
common sense of purpose (even while paying for cigarettes you
surely don't need with change counted out like diamonds
in a parking lot.)'Tis rather funny in a way. One has to
laugh at how low one can go. And one has to believe that
the heights can be reached again. God will not desert us.